Make a Donation to Blue Lake Preschool, Inc.

Your Generous Donations are Tax-Exempt!

Blue Lake Preschool is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 educational organization. Contributions made by you, extended family, and your work place qualify for a standard non-profit tax deduction.

Colorado Tax Credit Information

If you make a qualifying monetary contribution to promote child care in Colorado, you can claim an income tax credit equal to 50% of the total qualifying contribution, subject to certain limitations. The contribution must be made to a qualifying child care facility or program, and to claim the credit you must provide a copy of the credit certificate prepared by the facility or program that received the contribution.

Contributions must meet the following requirements to qualify for the credit.

  • The contribution must be monetary.
  • The contribution must be made to a qualifying child care facility or program to promote child care in Colorado, as described below.
  • The contribution must be used by the recipient to promote child care for children 12 years of age and younger.
  • The contribution must be certified by the recipient.