Health and Hygiene
Meals and Snacks
Blue Lake and Little Blue Preschools provides breakfast between 7:30 and 8:30 in the morning. We also provide two nutritious snacks, morning and afternoon. Also, our Blue Lake location serves a hot and healthy lunch to all children (except infants) every day. At Little Blue we ask that you pack your child a healthy lunch that is kept cool in a thermal lunchbox with an icepack. For safety reasons we do not use microwaves to heat food. A thermos works well to keep food warm. We ask that you provide healthy food that addresses a child’s nutritional requirements: plenty of protein, vegetables, and fruit. Please avoid candy and soda as these items will not be served at school. Please notify us of any food allergies your child may have. We will gladly work with you to try to accommodate your child’s needs. If your child is an infant or waddler who is not yet ready for table food we ask that you supply all appropriate food until your child is ready for our breakfasts and snacks.
Sick Children
The health of our students is of great importance to us. To help reduce the spread of illness to other children, sick children (with diarrhea, fever, or rash for example) may not be brought to school. When you do keep your child at home, please notify us as soon as possible in the morning. If your child becomes ill while at school, we will call you and ask you to him/her up within the hour. In the event of a serious accident or illness, an ambulance may be called. To ensure your child’s safety, we keep a file of names, addresses, and phone numbers of only those people you have authorized to pick up your child. In addition, we will also ask you to supply names and numbers of your family doctor and preferred hospital.
Contagious Diseases
Please let us know if your child has been exposed to any communicable diseases (strep throat, chicken pox, measles, mumps, pink eye, RSV, croup etc.) Exposure to communicable diseases must be posted to inform other parents and outbreaks must be reported to the Center for Disease Control. If a child is absent because of a contagious disease, he or she may not return to school without approval from a physician indicating that they are no longer contagious and are able to participate in our daily activities. The Center for Disease Control has released guidelines for vaccinating young children. We support the American Academy of Pediatrics in recommending you follow their guidelines regarding child immunizations. We will ask for an immunization record upon enrollment and each year thereafter.
Administering Medication
Your child may return to school as soon as your doctor determines that they are no longer contagious and are able to participate in our daily activities. Please ask for a Medication Release form if you would like us to administer medication to your child. All medication, whether prescription or over the counter, must have a signed medication authorization from both your child’s physician and the parent. All medication administered by our staff must be in its original container. Go over the instructions for administration of the medication with the director or office personal as only staff with medication delegation can administer medicine. The medication authorization form will be completed when your child’s medication is administered. Medication must be kept in a locked container, which is provided by the school.
Schoolage Self Carry Medication
Your school-age child may carry appropriate medication as deemed necessary (ex: asthma inhaler, epipen, etc.) with the proper prescription, signed medical authorization, and following the above guidelines of communication with director/staff for administering of the medication.
Children with Disabilities
We have had some rewarding experiences integrating special needs children in our program. It is our policy to accept children in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), its regulations, and any other applicable local, state, and federal laws pertaining to the provision of services to those with disabilities. We review each child’s situation on a case-by-case basis. Please discuss your child’s needs with the director prior to enrollment.
Hand Washing
We want to help teach your child valuable personal skills. We require hand washing upon arrival at school, before eating, after bathroom visits, and at other appropriate times during the day. It is best for your child if this is practiced at home too!
Safe Sleep for infants
An infant’s nap is a crucial part of their day. We understand the importance of sleep, especially for an infant, but must ensure we follow all rules associated with infant sleep procedures. If at any time you have questions regarding these policies please see the director for clarification.
- An approved crib will be available for each infant. No soft bedding, including blankets, can be in the crib.
- An infant must be placed on their back for sleeping.
- Alternative sleep positions or swaddling of an infant is only allowed with a health care plan completed and signed by the child’s physician.
- Each child who uses a pacifier must have it offered to them when being out down to sleep unless the parent directs otherwise. If an infant refuse the pacifier they will not be forced to take it.
- Infants who fall asleep in a car seat, bouncy seat, swing, or any other piece of equipment not approved for sleep, must immediately be moved to their approved sleep area and be placed on their back.